Gastritis or Gastric is the swelling and irritation of the stomach membranes and colitis is the swelling of the colon membranes. An ulcer is the irritation in the stomach wall. Actually, Gastric ulcer is a wound in the stomach walls or in the small intestine.During the gastritis you will have the bad digestion, vomiting, headaches, a burning sensation and discomfort. In the case of an ulcer, a discomfort or pain is left in the pit of the stomach. On the other hand, if alcohol or hot peppers are ingested, the pain will increase two or three hours later. With severe ulcers an acidic vomiting or bleeding can occur. The excrement may be clack in color from the blood in it. It has been found that excess coffee and alcohol, fried and spicy dishes and excessive stress are the main causes behind the Gastritis and Ulcer. When gastritis persists it causes gastric ulcers. It is also caused by an infection due to bacteria (Helicobacter Pylori).
Suggested Treatment: Recommendation of natural products
Aloe Vera Gel: Anti-inflammatory, pain inhibitor, antibiotic, cell re-generator, digestive, contains fiber.
Forever Bee Propolis: Natural antibiotic, kills bacteria and virus, Strengthens immune system.
Forever A-Beta-CarE: Powerful antioxidant helps resist infections, repairs and maintains body tissue.
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