There are 80 known autoimmune diseases in which a broad range of symptoms can manifest in the body. In these cases, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.
Everyone’s immune system is different but, as a general rule, it becomes stronger during adulthood as, by this time, we have been exposed to more pathogens and developed more immunity. That is why teens and adults tend to get sick less often than children. Once an antibody has been produced, a copy remains in the body so that if the same antigen appears again, it can be dealt with more quickly.
Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?
Depending on the disease, symptoms of autoimmune dysfunction involve inflammation in the body that may manifest itself in a variety of ways. The most commonly affected organs and tissues include red blood cells, blood vessels, muscles, joints, endocrine glands (thyroid gland, ovaries, and testes for example), connective tissue (such as tendons and bone), and the skin.
The following is a list of symptoms that may indicate your immune system is not functioning properly:
- Fatigue
- Reoccurring fever
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Skin rash
- Abdominal pain or discomfort perhaps associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Anemia or any known vitamin or mineral deficiency
- Mood changes.
Heal with Dietary Lifestyle Changes
More evidence shows that dietary lifestyle changes can decrease the severity of these symptoms, halt the progression of disease and possibly prevent the problem from occurring from the start.

Omega 6 (Arctic Sea) decreases Inflammation.
Ideally, the human body requires omega-3 fatty acids in greater concentration because they produce anti-inflammatory effects. Although omega-6 fatty acids are necessary, a higher concentration of omega-6 fatty acids in our diet from processed foods, and high amounts of vegetable oils is associated with an increase in molecules that trigger inflammation. Forever Living Products has formulated a superior nutritional supplement to take advantage of the latest research into this important area of nutrition. By combining Omega-3 with Omega-9 fatty acids, it provides a safe, balanced, mercury-free supplement that can favorably support healthy blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Forever Arctic-Sea is a breakthrough in terms of a balanced supplement, using both vegetable and mercury-free pharmaceutical-grade fish oils to derive the benefits.
Promote Gut health
Increased intestinal permeability allows food allergens to pass through the intestinal wall stimulating the production of antibodies. As you now know, specific antibodies seek to destroy the foreign invader by releasing fighter T-cells which cause chronic inflammation of the intestines. These fighter cells are also released into neighboring tissue and the bloodstream. As a consequence, the entire body is susceptible to an immune response resulting in fatigue, muscle stiffness, and skin reactions.
Add this food to daily use:
2. Yogurt
3. Kefir
4. Almonds
5. Olive oil
6. Sprouted grains
7. Wild salmon
8. Garlic
9. Dark Chocolate
10. High Fibre
Antioxidants protect the brain from oxidative stress known to cause aging and the loss of cognitive function. The healthy maintenance of the gut and mind interaction is crucial to healthy aging and vitality. Forever A-Beta-CarE is our exclusive and potent formula of free-radical fighting antioxidant power. This flagship supplement combines key A and E vitamins with minerals that can help your body protect itself from damaging pollutants.
Vitamin D3 and B12 play a critical role in the development, coordination, and control of the immune system. Individuals with these vitamin deficiencies are at a much greater risk for the development of auto-immune disease or chronic inflammatory disease. Supplementing to boost vitamin D3 levels can be very effective for reducing inflammation.
The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain more than 200 compounds. A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our gel is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.
The first to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich cocktail of pulp and liquid authenticates this product just as nature intended.
Testing for Food Sensitivities:
Do you suffer from a chronic autoimmune disease or condition that inhibits you from living an optimal lifestyle? Testing for sensitivities to any known food allergens by using the following biofeedback test or more extensive blood work.
Food sensitivities differ from food allergies in that food allergies are an IgE antibody reaction that is immediate and often life-threatening reactions. Food sensitivities are an IgG antibody reaction that is delayed and causes subtler imbalances in the body. Both of these create inflammation, with food allergies creating a highly acute inflammatory attack while food sensitivities cause the low-grade, chronic inflammation that is characteristic of autoimmune conditions.
While food allergies are typically known early in life, it is the food sensitivities that most people never think about. You can do an analysis with both at home biofeedback testing and blood testing to discover any hidden food sensitivities you may have.

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